Peter Nelson

Producer, Director and former Creative Production executive (staff producer) with experience providing cradle to the grave oversight on more than one hundred and twenty Motion Pictures and Television projects with budget levels from 500K to 15M + and a well-honed ability to vet the viability of projects based on concept, cast, cost and execution.

Peter Nelson’s first job in the entertainment business was as a production assistant  on Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars.  After a few more stints as a production  assistant Peter finished his baccalaureate at UCLA where he graduated cum laude in political science.  Plato's Republic, in particular Chapter 19, forms the basis of his creative philosophy.  During this same period he began writing screenplays and one  screenplay he wrote, A Bigger Picture, made it through a competition run by Mace  Neufeld's company while Neufeld was based at Paramount.  That particular  screenplay was never produced due to a competing project on the same subject  matter written by Phil Alden Robinson but shortly thereafter a movie that was his original idea, The Harvest (’93) was produced by Columbia Tristar Home  Entertainment. 

Until recently and for the past twenty years Peter was a creative production  executive at Sony pictures where he held the title Senior Vice President of  Production.

Peter has a complete and comprehensive understanding of production and  production oversight through post and has extensive experience in positioning,  marketing and distribution.  He has specialized in cinematic triage on acquisitions  (re-cutting and reproducing in post), project development, cradle to the grave  creative supervision and production administration (cost control, production legal,  ratings, clearances, rights, production finance, crew deals and interfacing with bond  companies).   Peter is an expert in the editing room and on the set and has experience with all guilds and working in multiple rebate scenarios.  He has overseen international productions, co-productions as well as having handled  multiple shows in rebate/tax credit states of the United States. Produced product  has included multiple stand-alone movies and a massive number of “better than the  original” sequels of all budget sizes which have made more than their budget in  profit.  Peter knows script development, intuitive narrative construction backwards  and forwards and has developed his own culture and aphoristic thinking involving  mirror imaging, the sequencing of states of mind, particularness and the use of story  forms.